Height Safety for the Workplace 

 Tool Safety For the Work Place 

Lanyards4Tools offer a complete range of Tool Lanyards specifically to eliminate injuries from falling tools, which is a significant cause of injuries in the workplace. 
Over a five-year period, there was an average of 2,000 lost-time injuries caused by falling objects 

Eliminate the danger of dropping tools by keeping them close at hand 

Elasticated Tool Lanyards 

Webbing Tool Lanyards with Elastication allows for ease of movement and convenience. Elastication also gives basic energy absorbing properties reducing the load on the user and structure. 

How To Use A Tool Lanyard  

Tethering to Tools 
Using the choke loop, wrap the cord around the tool and push the toggle towards the tool ensuring it is held firmly in the choke loop. 
Connecting To Anchor Points 
using the karabiner, attach to a suitable connection point on the users harness (if attaching heavy tools attach to a structure) 

 Elasticated Tool Lanyards Range  

Twin Elasticated Tool Lanyard  

£4.58 exc. VAT £5.50 inc. VAT
Quantity discounts:
3+ £4.36 exc. VAT £5.23 inc. VAT
5+ £4.17 exc. VAT £5.00 inc. VAT
10+ £3.75 exc. VAT £4.50 inc. VAT

Twin Tool Lanyard  

£18.90 exc. VAT £22.68 inc. VAT

Wrist Tool Lanyard  

£10.20 exc. VAT £12.24 inc. VAT
Key Features: 
Light Weight webbing 
Elasticated Webbing Body 
Easy To Use quick connect Karabiners 
Choke Loop Tool Connection